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What method is used to cool down during the installation of welded ball valves

date:2024-03-06 10:31
What is the best method to cool down when installing welded ball valves, such as friction welding of hot forged metal. Friction welding can also be used for welding dissimilar metals. To be suitable for workpieces with a circular cross-section and a large diameter of 100mm.
Ultrasonic welding is also a solid-state welding method that uses mechanical energy as its energy source. When conducting ultrasonic welding, the high-frequency vibration emitted by the sound can cause strong cracking friction on the joint surface and heat it to the welding temperature under lower static pressure, forming a joint.
Ultrasonic welding can be used for welding between most metal materials, achieving welding between metals, dissimilar metals, and between metals and non-metals.
Welded ball valves are widely used in various fields, and their superior quality and high-performance stability are unmatched by ordinary cast steel ball valves. The service life of fully welded ball valves is much longer than that of cast steel ball valves.

Remington valve manufactures all kinds of customized metal seat valves. Since 2001, we have been committed to providing customers with high-quality and rigorous service ball valve solutions to improve efficiency and productivity.


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